Tendency of GOST Certificate

Product certification  - quality assurance procedure by which independent of the manufacturer (seller, performer) and consumer (buyer) organization certifies in writing that the product meets the requirements.


Currently, the Russian Federation acts simultaneously for three product certification systems. This conformity assessment of products (in the form of certification or declaration) for compliance with national standards (GOST) , for compliance with national technical regulations (TR RF) , and in compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union (CU TR) .

Verification of conformity to the requirements of TR CU:

Products in respect of which set mandatory requirements of the Customs Union, is in the technical regulations of the Customs Union. Copies of all in force technical regulations can be found in the section “Regulatory Documents”or  on the official website of the ECE (Eurasian Economic Commission) .

Demonstration of compliance is carried out in the form of issuing a declaration TR CU or registration certificate TR CU .

Verification of conformity to the requirements of TR RF:

Products for which mandatory requirements established in the national technical regulation, listed in national technical regulations. The texts of the existing national technical regulations can be found on the website Rosstandart (Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology) .

Demonstration of compliance is carried out in the form of issuing a declaration TR RF or registration certificate TR RF .

Verification of conformity to GOST R:

List of products for which mandatory requirements set national standards contained in the RF Government Decree of 01.12.2009 № 982 “On approval of a single list of products subject to mandatory certification …”  (PDF, 318 KB) .

Demonstration of compliance is carried out in the form of issuing GOST R declaration or registration certificate GOST .

Voluntary certification of products:

The procedure of voluntary certification is similar to mandatory certification for compliance with national standards (GOST) . The main difference is that a voluntary certificate may issue including for products not subject to mandatory conformity in cases where, for whatever reason you need to confirm the quality of products sold (for example, participation in various tenders, or to increase confidence in the final consumers). Importantly, voluntary certification does not replace mandatory.