26 Jan 2014 Comments

[미국 국방규격 전자파특성 시험]


10 December 2007







1.1 Purpose.
This standard establishes interface and associated verification requirements for the control of the electromagnetic interference (EMI) emission and susceptibility characteristics of electronic, electrical, and electromechanical equipment and subsystems designed or procured for use by activities and agencies of the Department of Defense (DoD). Such equipment and subsystems may be used independently or as an integral part of other subsystems or systems. This standard is best suited for items that have the following features: electronic enclosures that are no larger than an equipment rack, electrical interconnections that are discrete wiring harnesses between enclosures, and electrical power input derived from prime power sources. This standard should
not be directly applied to items such as modules located inside electronic enclosures or entire platforms. The principles in this standard may be useful as a basis for developing suitable requirements for those applications. Data item requirements are also included.

1.2 Application.

1.2.1 General applicability.
The applicability of the emission and susceptibility requirements is dependent upon the types of equipment or subsystems and their intended installations as specified herein.

1.2.2 Tailoring of requirements.
Application-specific environmental criteria may be derived from operational and engineering analyses on equipment or subsystems being procured for use in specific systems or platforms.
When analyses reveal that the requirements in this standard are not appropriate for that procurement, the requirements may be tailored and incorporated into the request-for-proposal, specification, contract, order, and so forth, prior to the start of the test program. The test procedures contained in this document should be adapted by the testing activity for each application. The adapted test procedures should be documented in the Electromagnetic Interference Test Procedures (EMITP) (see 6.3).

2.1 General
The documents listed in this section are specified in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this standard. This section does not include documents cited in other sections of this standard or recommended for additional information or as examples. While every effort has been made to ensure the completeness of this list, document users are cautioned that they must meet all specified requirements of documents cited in sections 3, 4, or 5 of this standard, whether or not they are listed.

2.2 Government documents.

2.2.1 Government documents, drawings, and publications.
The following other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are those cited in the solicitation or contract.
. . . . .

PB 03-517-02

23 Jan 2014 Comments

[PB 03-517-02 영문 번역판]

PB 03-517-02 : General industrial security for organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

Federal Mining and Industrial Inspectorate of Russia

(Gosgortechnadzor Russia)

Series 03

Normative documents interbranch
use on industrial
safety and protection of subsoil

Issue 20

FOR INDUSTRIAL SAFETY organizations carrying out activities in the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

PB 03-517-02

Federal State Unitary Enterprise
“Scientific and Technical Center for Industrial Safety
Gosgortechnadzor Russia ”

Responsible developers:

AV Denisov, EA Ivanov, BA Red, VM Kulechev, RA Standrik, YF Karabanov EV Klovach, OV Intercession, VK Shalaev, VI Sidorov, AS Pecherkin

These General industrial safety rules establish general requirements that ensure industrial safety, and are aimed at the prevention of accidents, occupational accidents at hazardous production facilities and preparedness organizations operating hazardous production facilities, to localize and eliminate the consequences of these accidents.

Rules are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.07.97 № 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities”, as well as the Regulations of the Federal Mining and Industrial Inspectorate of Russia, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation from 03.12.01 № 841, and binding all organizations irrespective of their organizational and legal forms of ownership, operating in the field of industrial safety in the Russian Federation and supervised Gosgortechnadzor Russia.

I. General Provisions

II. Requirements for organizations

III. Requirements for the design of hazardous production facilities

IV. Requirements for the construction of hazardous production facilities

V. Requirements for organizations operating hazardous production facilities

VI. Requirements for technical devices

VII. Requirements for the examination of industrial safety

VIII. Requirements for certification in the field of industrial safety

IX. State supervision of the Rules

1.1. These general rules of industrial safety (further – Rules) establish general requirements that ensure industrial safety, and are aimed at the prevention of accidents, occupational accidents at hazardous production facilities and preparedness organizations operating hazardous production facilities, to localize and eliminate the effects of these accidents.

1.2. Rules are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.07.97 № 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1997. № 30. Art. 3588, 2000. № 33. Art. 3348), as well as Regulation on the Federal Mining and Industrial Inspectorate of Russia, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation from 03.12.01 № 841 (Laws of the Russian Federation. 2001. № 50. Art. 4742), and are mandatory for all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms Property operating in the field of industrial safety in the Russian Federation and supervised Gosgortechnadzor Russia (hereinafter – the organization).

1.3. Rules are intended for use:

a) the design, construction, operation, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities:

mining and milling of solid minerals, including coal, shale, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, raw materials mining and chemical industries; mine facilities, hydraulic and special underground construction; objects placed in underground mining and natural underground cavities; mining during construction subways, transport and sewer tunnels and other underground structures;

oil and gas production, oil and gas refining, chemical and petrochemical industry, petroleum products, the main pipeline transport of flammable liquids and gases;

receipt, storage (discharge-filling) and the use of explosive or hazardous chemical substances, including hydrogen, chlorine, ammonia, liquefied petroleum gases and flammable liquids;

production of iron ore, pig iron, steel, iron, pipes, ferroalloys, refractories, non-ferrous metals and their alloys, metal powders and powders, semiconductor materials (germanium and silicon), coke and coking products processing, sulfur, air separation products and gas facilities and metallurgical coke production;

storage of industrial wastes (waste rock, tailings and slime storage, tailings pond, gidrootvalov, drives industrial effluents);

gas supply natural and liquefied hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel (other than household objects);

explosive and flammable plants for grain storage and processing;

production, storage and use of industrial explosives, as well as manufacturing facilities simplest granular and slurry explosives in consumer organizations;

b) when transporting hazardous substances organizations operating hazardous production facilities;

c) during the surveying and exploration work, including work on the further exploration of mineral deposits and geophysical studies;

d) the organization of rescue, gas rescue, blowout and other works for the prevention, containment and elimination of accidents at hazardous production facilities;

d) the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and repair of equipment operating under excess pressure over 0.07 MPa (steam boilers, vessels , pressurized steam or gas pipelines of steam) or water heating temperature of more than 115 degrees Celsius (boilers, vessels, piping hot water), as well as elevating structures (cranes, cranes, cranes, pipe layers, lifts , cable cars, funiculars, lifts (towers), building lifts, lifting platforms for persons with disabilities, escalators, portable lifting bodies and attachments), registered in Gosgortechnadzor Russia;

e) the manufacture, installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities;

g) during the examination of industrial safety;

h) during the training and certification of workers’ organizations in the field of industrial safety.

1.4. Assignment of objects classified as hazardous production facilities produced by the plant operator, these objects based on their identification in accordance with the list of standard types of hazardous production facilities being developed Gostgortechnadzor Russia 1 ;


1 Regulations on Registration of Objects in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintenance of a public registry, approved by the Russian Gosgortechnadzor from 03.06.99 № 39 (registered by Ministry of Justice of Russia 05.07.99 № 1822), with Amendment number 1, approved by the Decree of the Russian Gosgortechnadzor 20.06.02 number 32 (registered by Ministry of Justice Russia 29.07.02 № 3627).

1.5. The technical devices used at hazardous production facilities, in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation from 11.08.98 № 928 “On the list of the technical devices used at hazardous production facilities and subject to certification” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1998. № 33. St . 4030), include units, machinery, technical systems and complexes, technological equipment, instruments and equipment .

GOST 2.601-2006 English Version

22 Jan 2014 Comments

[GOST 2.601-2006 영문버전]

GOST 2.601-2006 : Common system for design documentation - ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS

1  Scope

This standard specifies the types of, completeness, and general requirements for the implementation of operational documents (hereinafter – ED).

On the basis of this standard is permitted, if necessary, to develop standards that establish species, completeness and general requirements for the implementation of ED on specific types of technology products with tailored.

2 Normative references
This standard refers to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.051-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic documents. General Provisions

GOST 2.102-68 Unified system for design documentation. Types and complete design documents

GOST 2.104-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Basic records

GOST 2.105-95 Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for text documents

GOST 2.201-80 Unified system for design documentation. Legend products and design documents

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system for design documentation. Formats

GOST 2.304-81 Unified system for design documentation. Fonts drawing

GOST 2.503-90 Unified system for design documentation. Rules changes

GOST 2.605-68 Unified system for design documentation. Posters and technical training. General technical requirements

GOST 2.608-78 Unified system for design documentation. Order record information about precious materials in operational documents

GOST 2.610-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Rules for the implementation of operational documents

GOST 2.701-84 Unified system for design documentation. Scheme. Kinds and types. General requirements for the implementation of

GOST 5773-90 Editions book and magazine. Formats

GOST 1639-93 Waste and scrap of non-ferrous metals and alloys. General specifications

GOST 18322-78 system maintenance and repair of equipment. Terms and definitions

GOST 22240-76 Covers and cover binding. Types

Note – When using this standard it is advisable to check the effect of the reference standards for the sign “National Standards”, compiled as of January 1 this year, and the relevant information signs, published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided replaced (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the position in which reference is made ​​to it, apply to the extent not affecting this link.

이하 생략….

PB 03-584-03 English Version

22 Jan 2014 Comments

[PB 03-584-03 영문버전]

PB 03-584-03. Terms of designing, making and receiving vessels and  equipment of welded steel


Terms of designing, making and receiving vessels and vehicles steel welded establish the basic technical requirements used in the design, manufacture, installation, testing, operation, modernization, repair and preservation of vessels and equipment of welded steel and to ensure industrial safety, prevention of industrial accidents and injuries in the operation of vessels and apparatuses of welded steel in the chemical, petrochemical, oil refining industry and other hazardous industrial facilities.

The Regulations are intended to apply to all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms of ownership, carrying out their activities at hazardous production facilities.

In connection with the entry into force of this Regulation after their official publication shall be considered void Rules design, manufacture and acceptance of vessels and vehicles steel welded (PB 03-384-00) (Regulation Gosgortechnadzor Russia from 25.07.03 N 105).


1.1. These Rules design, manufacture and acceptance of vessels and equipment of welded steel (hereinafter – Regulations) set out requirements aimed at ensuring industrial safety, accident prevention, occupational injuries in the operation of steel welded vessels and vehicles.

1.2. Rules are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.07.97 N 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 30, st.3588), Regulations on Federal mining supervision of Russia, approved by the Government Russian Federation from 03.12.01 N 841 (Laws of the Russian Federation, 2001, N 50, st.4742) General rules of industrial safety for organizations operating in the field of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, approved by resolution Gosgortechnadzor Russia from 18.10.02 N 61-A, the Russian Justice Ministry registered 28.11.02, registration N 3968 (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 05.12.02, N 231), and are intended to apply to all organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms of ownership, operating in the field of industrial Security and supervised Gosgortechnadzor Russia.

1.3. Rules are intended for use:

a) the design, manufacture, installation, operation, upgrade, repair and maintenance of wire welded vessels and equipment at hazardous production facilities;

b) during the examination of industrial safety steel welded vessels and vehicles.

1.4. These Regulations apply to designed, manufactured and newly modernized steel welded vessels and equipment operating at a pressure of more than 16 MPa (160 kgf / cm 2 ), a vacuum with a residual pressure of at least 665 Pa
(5 mmHg), the internal pressure 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm 2 ) or less (for filling) and the wall temperature is not below -70 ° C, as well as on existing welded steel vessels and equipment, operates at hazardous production facilities.

The possibility of extending the requirements of the Rules for specific types and kinds of vessels and equipment is determined by the operating conditions, if necessary, justified by calculations and set design.

1.5. The Regulations set out the technical requirements for the design, materials, manufacturing (doizgotovleniyu), test methods, acceptance, reconstruction, repair, installation vessels and vehicles. Together with the requirements of the Rules should be guided by normative and technical documents on industrial safety.


1.6. In organizations with existing steel vessels and devices that do not meet the requirements of this Regulation, if necessary measures can be developed to ensure safe operation. Activities are coordinated and approved in due course.

1.7. Instruction Manual steel welded vessels and vehicles developed in accordance with the technical documentation, production schedules, these Rules and the requirements of other regulations on industrial safety.

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PB 09-540-03 English Version

22 Jan 2014 Comments

[PB 09-540-03 영문버전]

PB 09-540-03 : Rules of design, manufacturing and acceptance of welded steel vessels and apparatuses



1.1. These General Rules for the explosion explosion vopozharoopasnyh chemical, petrochemical and refining industries (hereinafter – Regulations) set out requirements aimed at ensuring industrial safety, accident prevention, occupational accidents at hazardous production facilities in chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas industry, as well as other hazardous industrial objects in which the treated material, forming steam, gas and highly explosive dust-air mixtures……


2.1 . Process design, separation flowsheet for the individual process units, its hardware design, the choice of the type of trip devices and their installation locations, controls, control and emergency protection at a reasonable technological expediency must provide a minimum level of technological explosion blocks entering into the process……

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GOST R 52630-2006 English Version

22 Jan 2014 Comments

[GOST R 52630-2006 영문버전]

GOST R 52630-2006  : VESSELS AND MACHINES STEEL WELDED-General technical conditions


1 Scope

This standard applies to welded steel vessels and equipment (hereinafter – the vessels), operating at a pressure of more than 16 MPa (160 kgf / cm 2 ), a vacuum with a residual pressure of at least 665 Pa (5 mm Hg. tbsp.) or without pressure ( for filling) and the wall temperature is not lower than minus 70 ° C, for use in chemical processing plants, petrochemical, refinery, oil, gas and other related industries.

This standard specifies the basic technical requirements for the design, materials, manufacturing (doizgotovleniyu), test methods, acceptance and delivery, reconstruction, repair, installation vessels and vehicles.

This standard does not apply to:

- Vessels operating under vacuum with a residual pressure of less than 665 Pa (5 mm Hg. Tbsp.)

- Containers intended for transportation of petroleum and chemical products;

- Cylinders for compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases;

- Tubular furnace;

- Tanks (containers) for storage of chemicals and petroleum products, projected in accordance with building codes and special rules.

In addition to the requirements of this standard should be guided by the rules and regulations on industrial safety.

2 Normative references

Used in the standard normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 2.901 99-Unified system for design documentation. Documentation is sent abroad. General requirements

GOST 12.4.026-2001 safety standards system. Color signaling, safety signs and markings warning. Purpose and application rules. General technical requirements and specifications. Test methods

GOST R 50460 – 92 Mark of conformity with the mandatory certification. The shape, size and technical requirements

GOST R 52627 – 2006 (ISO 898-1:1999) Bolts, screws and studs. Mechanical Properties and Test Methods

GOST 2.601-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Operational documents

GOST 9.014 78-Unified system of corrosion and aging. Temporary corrosion protection products. General requirements

GOST 9.402-2004 Unified system of corrosion and aging. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces for painting

GOST 12.1.005-88 safety standards system. Common sanitary – hygienic requirements to the working area

GOST 12.1.007-76 safety standards system. Harmful Substances Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 19.402 78-Unified system for program documentation. Program Description

GOST-85 26,008 fonts for printing, engraving method applied. And E XECUTIVE sizes

GOST 26.020-80 Fonts for measuring instruments and automation. Faces and basic dimensions

GOST 356 – 80 fittings and pipe components. Pressure conditional, trial and workers. Rows

Standard 380 – 2005 Common quality carbon steel. Stamps

GOST 427 – 75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications

Standard 492 – 2006 Nickel, nickel and copper – nickel processed pressure. Stamps

GOST 494 – 90 Pipes made of brass. Specifications

Standard 535 – 2005-rolled and shaped from quality carbon steel. General specifications

GOST 550 – 75 seamless steel pipes for the oil and petrochemical industries. Specifications

GOST 931 – 90 sheets and strips of brass. Specifications

GOST 977 – 88 Steel Castings. General specifications

GOST 1050 – 88-rolled, calibrated with special surface finish of quality carbon structural steel. General specifications

GOST 1525 – 91 Bars of Monel. Specifications

GOST 1577 – 93 Rolled sheets and broadband structural quality steel. Specifications

GOST 2991 – 85 planked disposable boxes for loads up to 500 kg. General specifications

GOST 3242 – 79 Welded joints. Quality control methods

GOST 3262 – 75 steel pipes for water and gas. Specifications

GOST 4543 – 71 Rental of alloy structural steel. Specifications

GOST 4784 – 97 aluminum and wrought aluminum alloys. Stamps

GOST 5063 – 73 Strips of copper – nickel alloys. Specifications

GOST 5520 – 79 rolled flat carbon steel, low-alloy and alloy steel for boilers and vessels working under pressure. Specifications

GOST 5521 – 93 Rolled steel for shipbuilding. Specifications

GOST 5582 – 75 rolled sheets of corrosion – resistant, heat resistant and heat resistant. Specifications

GOST 5632 – 72 High-alloy steels corrosion – resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant. Stamps

GOST 5949 – 75 Steel profiled and calibrated corrosion – resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant. Specifications

GOST 5959 – 80 boxes of disposable panels for loads up to 200 kg. General specifications

GOST 6032 – 2003 (ISO 3651-1:1998, ISO 3651-2:1998) Steels and alloys corrosion – resistant. Methods of test for resistance to intergranular corrosion

GOST 6533 – 78 Bottoms elliptical flanged steel for vessels, equipment and boilers. Main dimensions

GOST 6996 – 66 Welds. Methods for determining the mechanical properties

GOST 7350 – 77 Steel thick corrosion – resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant. Specifications

GOST 7512 – 82 Non-destructive testing. Welded joints. Radiographic

GOST 8479 – 70 Forgings of structural carbon and alloy steel. General specifications

GOST 8724 – 2002 (ISO 261 – 98) Basic norms of interchangeability. Metric thread. Diameters and steps

GOST 8731 – 74 hot-rolled seamless steel tubes. Technical requirements

GOST 8733 – 74 seamless steel pipes and cold-warm-deformed. Technical requirements

GOST 9012 – 59 (ISO 410 – 82, ISO 6506 – 81) Metals. Method of Brinell hardness

GOST 9013 – 59 (ISO 6508 – 86) Metals. Method of measuring the Rockwell hardness

GOST 9045 – 93 cold-rolled sheets of low carbon quality steel for cold forming. Specifications

GOST 9466 – 75 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of steels and surfacing. Classification and general specifications

GOST 9617 – 76 vessels and vehicles. Rows diameters

GOST 9940 – 81 Seamless hot corrosion – resistant steel. Specifications

GOST 9941 – 81 Seamless cold – warm-deformed and corrosion – resistant steel. Specifications

GOST 10092 – 2006 cupro-nickel tubes for heat exchangers. Specifications

GOST 10198 – 91 Wooden boxes for cargo weighing communication. 200 to 20000 kg. General specifications

GOST 10494 – 80 Studs for flanged connections with convex seal on P in excess of 10 to 100 MPa (100 to 1000 kgf / cm 2 ).Specifications

GOST 10495 – 80 Hexagon nuts for flanged connections on P in excess of 10 to 100 MPa (100 to 1000 kgf / cm 2 ).Specifications

GOST 10702 – 78 Rental of quality structural carbon and alloy steel for cold extrusion and uplift. Specifications

GOST 10706 – 76 Electrically welded steel pipes. Technical requirements

GOST 10885 – 85 hot-rolled sheet steel double-layer corrosion – resistant. Specifications

GOST 11036 – 75 Electrotechnical unalloyed steel billet. Specifications

GOST 12620 – 78 Bottoms neotbortovannye conical apex angles of 60, 90 and 120 °. Main dimensions

GOST 12621 – 78 Bottoms neotbortovannye conical with an apex angle of 140 °. Main dimensions

GOST 12622 – 78 flanged flat bottoms. Main dimensions

GOST 12623 – 78 flat bottoms neotbortovannye. Main dimensions

GOST 12816 – 80 Flanged valves, fittings and piping on P from 0.1 to 20.0 MPa (from 1 to 200 kgf / cm 2 ). General technical requirements

GOST 12971 – 67 rectangular plates for machines and devices. Measurements

GOST 14192 – 96 Marking of goods

GOST 14637 – 89 (ISO 4995 – 75) Plates of quality carbon steel. Specifications

GOST 14782 – 86 Non-destructive testing. Welded joints. Ultrasonic methods

GOST 15150 – 69 Machinery, equipment and other industrial products. Performance for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation to the impact of climatic factors in the external environment

GOST 15527 – 2004 Alloys copper – zinc (brass) processed pressure. Stamps

GOST 17217 – 79 tubes of copper – nickel alloy brand MNZH 5-1. Specifications

GOST 17232 – 99 plates of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications

GOST 17314 – 81 Devices for fixing thermal insulation of steel vessels and vehicles. The design and dimensions. Technical requirements

GOST 17375 – 2001 Seamless welded pipeline parts of carbon and low alloy steel. Return bends type 3D (R = 1,5 DN). Design

GOST 17380 – 2001 (ISO 3419 – 81) Details of pipelines seamless welded carbon and low alloy steel. General specifications

GOST 17711 – 93 Alloys of copper – zinc (brass) foundry. Stamps

GOST 18442 – 80 Non-destructive testing. Capillary methods. General requirements

GOST 18475 – 82 Cold Pipes of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications

GOST 18482 – 79 tubes of extruded aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications

GOST 18661 – 73 Steel. Hardness measurement by impact indentation

GOST 18968 – 73 Bars and strips of corrosion – resistant heat-resistant steel for steam turbine blades. Specifications

GOST 19281 – 89 Rental of high-strength steel. General specifications

GOST 19903 – 74 Hot-rolled flat. Assortment

GOST 20072 – 74 heat-resistant steel. Specifications

GOST 20700 – 75 bolts, studs, nuts and washers for flanged connections and anchor, caps and collars with ambient temperatures from 0 to 650 ° C. Specifications

GOST 21105 – 87 Non-destructive testing. Magnetic particle

GOST 21488 – 97 Pressed bars of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications

GOST 21631 – 76 sheets of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications

GOST 21646 – 2003 Pipes copper and brass for heat exchangers. Specifications

GOST 21650 – 76 Tools bonding packaged – general cargo transport packets in abundance requirements

GOST 22727 – 88 Rolled sheet. Ultrasonic inspection methods

GOST 23055 – 78 Non-destructive testing. Fusion welding of metals. Classification of welds on the results of radiographic inspection

GOST 23304 – 78 bolts, studs, nuts and washers for flanged connections of nuclear power plants. Technical requirements.Acceptance. Test methods. Labeling, packaging, transportation and storage

GOST 24634 – 81 Wooden boxes for products delivered for export. General specifications

GOST 24643 – 81 Basic norms of interchangeability. Tolerances of form and arrangement of surfaces. Numeric values

GOST 25054 – 81 Forgings of corrosion – resistant steels and alloys. General specifications

GOST 25347 – 82 Basic norms of interchangeability. Uniform system of tolerances and fits . Tolerances and recommended planting

GOST 26179 – 84 Basic norms of interchangeability. Dimensional tolerances over 10,000 to 40,000 mm

GOST 26364 – 90 ferritometers for austenitic steels. General specifications

GOST 26828 – 86 Products in Aerospace Engineering. Labeling

GOST 28759.5-90 Flanges of vessels and apparatuses. Technical requirements

Note – When using this standard it is advisable to check the effect of the reference standards in the public information system – the official site of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or on annual basis the information sign “ national standards ”, which is published on the 1st of January of the current year and relevant information published by monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should govern replacement (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, the position in which reference is made ​​to it, apply to the extent not affecting this link.

이하 생략….

GOST 51364-99 English Version

22 Jan 2014 Comments

[GOST 51364-99 영문버전]

GOST R 51364-99 ISO 6758-80) : Air cooler


1 Scope

This standard applies to air coolers are designed to cool the gases and liquids and condensing the steam and vapor-liquid medium in technological processes in chemical, petrochemical, oil, gas, oil and other industries at a pressure of no more than medium or 16.0 MPa under vacuum with a residual pressure not lower than 665 Pa and at a temperature not higher than 400 ° C.

This standard specifies the basic requirements for the construction, inspection and delivery of air coolers.

Climatic performance devices U1 and UHL1 – to GOST 15150 .

In general, the apparatus performances U1, UHL1 supplied for use at operating temperatures of parts under pressure not below minus 40 ° C.

On the strength of a metal support structure aids can be used for installation in areas with seismic activity up to 7 points [1] and wind velocity head IV geographic area [2] .

Devices designed to operate at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level.

In some cases, in accordance with the contract scope of devices can be expanded on demand devices can be made:

- With reinforced metal structure – to work in areas with seismic activity up to 9 points and with wind velocity head V geographic area;

- Climatic version UHL1 – for use with operating temperatures of parts under pressure, below minus 40 ° C;

- Special requirements associated with the delivery of export, including climatic design T1 to GOST 15150 .

2 Normative references

In this standard references to the following documents:

GOST 2.601-95 Unified system for design documentation. Operational documents

GOST 9.005-72 Unified system for design documentation. Permissible and impermissible contact metals.General requirements

GOST 9.014-78 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Temporary corrosion protection products. General requirements

GOST 9.032-74 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations

GOST 9.104-79 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. Group operating conditions

GOST 9.401-91 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. General requirements and methods of accelerated tests for resistance to climatic factors

GOST 9.402-80 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. Preparation of metal surfaces prior to painting

GOST 9.403-80 Unified system of corrosion and aging of materials and products. Paint coatings. Test method for resistance to static exposure liquids

GOST 12.1.003-83 Occupational safety standards system. Noise. General requirements for safety

GOST 12.1.007-76 Occupational safety standards system. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.1.012-90 Occupational safety standards system. Vibration safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.028-80 Occupational safety standards system. Noise. Determination of the noise characteristics of noise sources. Survey method

GOST 12.2.003-91 Occupational safety standards system. Industrial equipment. General requirements for safety

Standard safety standards system. Electrotechnical products. General requirements for safety

GOST 12.2.020-76 Occupational safety standards system. Electric equipment hardened. Classification.Labeling

이하 생략….


GOST R 51274-99 English Version

22 Jan 2014 Comments

[GOST R 51274-99 영문버전]

GOST R 51274-99 : Tank and Apparatus COLUMN TYPE APPARATUS – Strength Norm and Calculation Methods


1 Scope
This Standard establishes a method for calculation for column ttpe apparatus operationg under internal overpressures or external pressures, dead weight moment of deflection & moments of deflection due to  off -center weight load applied.

2 Normative references
The following standards are rеfеrencеd to these Standards:
GOST 14249-89 Tanks and apparatus- Strength norms and calculation method
GOST R 51273-99 Tanks and apparatus- Strength norms and calculation method : Determination of
rated force due to wind load & seismic load for colunm type of apparatus

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GOST R 51273-99 English Version

22 Jan 2014 Comments

[GOST R 51273-99 영문버전]

GOST R 51273-99 : Vessels and Apparatus
Rated Force Calculation of Column Type Apparatus against Wind Loads and Seismic Effect

1 Scope
This Standard establishes a method for calculation of rated forces arising in elements of vertical cylindrical vessels (column type apparatus) against wind loads &  seismic effect.

For column type apparatus the combinations of loads in various condition (installation,  testing and  operation) are established according to  GOST R 51274.

2 Normative references

GOST R 51274-99 “Vessels and Apparatus – Column Type Apparatus.  Norms and Methods of Strength Calculation” is referred to this Standard.

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기계적 위험 보호장갑

18 Jan 2014 Comments

기계적 위험으로부터의 보호장갑

EN 388

Protectvie gloves against mechanical risks.